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পোস্টমাস্টার জেনারেল, পূর্বাঞ্চল, চট্টগ্রাম ।। পোস্টম্যান (16-06-2023) || 2023


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The flower is red like blood.
The flower is as red as blood.
The flower is bloody red.
The flower is blood like red.
Created: 10 months ago | Updated: 6 months ago
A novel expression
An exception to the rule
A universal truth
An overused expression
No mother hates her child.
Any mother hate her child.
No mother hate her child.
All but no mother hating their child.
Nila said that she had to write a letter.
Nila said that she has to write a letter.
Nila told that she has to write a letter.
দ্বীপ+অনাNila proposed that she has to write a letter.ট
The door is no be shut.
Let the door be shut.
The door may be shut.
Let the door shut.